Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi
Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı


Öğrenci Konferansları

3. Uluslararası Öğrenci Konferansı (2003) (3rd International Students' Conference: Key Concepts "Questioning Globalization Through Literary and Cultural Interactions")

Başkent Üniversitesi,
07-09 Mayıs 2003
Ankara, Türkiye

Kabul Edilen Bildiriler

Esin Açıksöz, Refaiddin Ata, I. Gökhan Karaca, "Captain America as the Captain of Consciousness"
Derya Agis, "Immigrant Literature and Multicultural Analysis: The White Kite and Ji Yue"
Pelin Aytemiz, "'As a Result of an Argument Caused by Garlic the Wounded Were Taken to the Kettle State Hospital': Violence that Catches the Eyes of the Children in the News Media"
Hasan Baktır, "Interaction Between East and West"
Svetlina Denova, "Turkish-Armenian Intermarriages in Bulgaria"
Sebastian Groes, "McLiterature"
Burçin Gülpınar, Gözde Karadayı, Can Kamel, "Superman: The Greenwich of Cultural Meridians in Comics"
Pelin Gümüş, "Media as the Emperor of Our Era"
Deniz Güven, Emine Çakmak, Gaye Bayri, Nurcihan Efe, "Othello in Drama and in Film as a Literary Adaptation"
Banu Nihal İçağasıoğlu, Pelin Aytemiz, "Reader in the World Stuck in Spider-Man's Web"
Esra Kocabaş, "The Latest Conquest of the West 'The Fast-Food Revolution'"
Aysu Küçük, Tuna Yıldız, Rabia Acar, "Analysing Batman as a Source of Discourse on Badman"
Dr. Rengin Ozan, Nihal Gökgöz, Nurçin Eğercioğlu, Şenay Demiral, "Keeping Ourselves on the Way of Globalisation"
Pelin Odacıoğlu, "Is it Possible to Globalize Women's Studies?"
Guneş Sayın, Melek Ece Özşen, "Superheroes: The Ideology Hidden Under the Costume"
Kıvılcım Subaşı, "Translating Poetry"
Senem Şancı, "Multiple Intelligences Theory"
Oya Tan, "The Local Survives Globalization"
Kaan Taşbaşı, "Rasping the Edges: Music in Turkey with the Influence of Globalisation"
Emel Tetik, "What Post-Colonial Literature Reflects About Colonialism?"
İsmail Turasan, "Globalization in Relation/Due to Creation, Evolution, and Religion"
Aleksandra Tsvetanova Vasileva, "Does Everybody Love a Mactalk Show? Globalization and a Bulgarian-American Talk Show"
Can T. Yalçınkaya, "God Speaks from Mars: Globalization Under the Mask of Religion"
Hande Yiğitbaşı, "A Perspective on the Issue of Identity and Citizenship: Where the Contexts Overlap..."

2. Uluslararası Öğrenci Konferansı (2002) (2nd International Students' Conference: Key Concepts "Culture & Texts: Interrelations & Subversions")

Başkent Üniversitesi,
27-29 Mart 2002
Ankara, Türkiye

In light of the framework of the above given title, we aim to enlarge the concept of the two terms "culture" and "text" in an interrelated manner. In our title, the term "text" encompasses all fields of humanities i.e. Performance and Theatre, Film and Media, Poetry (Musical lyrics), Prose and Fiction. On the other hand, the sub-topics of "Interrelations and Subversions" enable the participants to explore culture through not only a single framework but through exploring a vast array of cultural artifacts and their connections to/with each other.

Kabul Edilen Bildiriler

Alev Kuruoğlu, "Does Music Kill"
Anil K. Jain, "Differences in Difference"
Arzu Demir Korucu, "Moll Flanders as the Cultural Mirror of the 18th Century"
Aslı Yardım, "The Trilogy of Lousie Erdrich"
Bahar İnal, "The Absurd in Beckett's and Albee's Plays"
Barış Bilir, "Cultural Reasons Behind Tobacco Use Among American Youngsters"
Briena Vaidos, "What is Real, Really?"
Burcu Benlidayı, "Devalued Black Womanhood and Its Analysis in Their Eyes Were Watching God"
Burcu Tekelioğlu, "The Lost Generation's Anger"
Csilla Czimbalmos, "Mellors as a Pan Figure"
Dilek Özkurt, "A Classical Example of Film Noir: The Third Man"
Duygu Özler, "The Western Movie Genre"
Ebru Yalçın, "The Fantastic in Ursula K. LeGuin's Short Fiction"
Ece Saatçioğlu, "Moulin Rouge!: 'Subversionary' Love"
Emel Tetik, "Death in 20th Century Poetry"
Erion Ndreçka, "Reflections of American Life in Music"
Fikret Arargüç, "The Relevance of Culture and Its Acquisition of the 'Other' in Rudyard Kipling's Kim"
Hristina Dinkova, "Bulgarian Beer Commercials and Culture"
Işıltan Ataman, "Performing the Critique of Patriarchy in Sophocles, Shakespeare, Milton, and Beckett"
Joshua Parker, "How 'Thou' Lost the Battle, But Won the War"
Kıvılcım Yavuz, "A Medieval Gateway to Feminist Education: Christine de Pizan's Subversive Revision of Boccaccio"
Leyla Demirel, "The Destiny of Cultures"
Linda Torok, "Victorians Against Wuthering Heights"
Lucia Roxana Cazan, "Spender's Poetry: A Time of Crisis"
Marenglen Pepa, "An Analysis of John Updike's Rabbit Run"
Milena Tabanlieva, "Differences Between Bulgarian and American Family Lives"
Monica Tudora, "An Analysis of Arthur Miller's The Crucible"
Münevver Durukan, "Taken-for-Grantedness of Turkish Coffee and Coffee-cup Reading Activities Within The Popular Culture"
Nekida Jolldashi, "The Theme of War in Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms"
Oğuz Tanyıldızı, Selen Akün, Levend Özçelik, Hakan Akbulut, "People and Events of Importance in the Struggle for the Civil Rights Movement"
Özlem Karagöz, "The Subversion of the Term 'Enemy' in the USA"
Patricia Kaiser, "The Postmodern Aesthetics in 1990s' Science Fiction Films: A Political Approach?"
Raluca Ionita, "Taming the Wild: A Study on Jack Kerouac's On the Road"
Rezart Kadija, "Style in William Faulkner"
Rıdvan Caner, "Alfred Hitchcock and Existentialism"
Sairud Spahija, "Arthur Miller: The Confrontation of Little People with Big Issues"
Saniye Çancı, "Moulin Rouge!: A Postmodern Romance"
Seda Erkoç, "Political Usage of Music"
Sema Aslan, "Reflections from the Turkish Narrative Tradition: From Dede Korkut to Latife Tekin"
Semih Gürkan, "A Freudian Approach to the Coming of Age in America"
Senem Şancı, "Feminist and Ethnic Issues in Kate Chopin's Short Stories"
Süleyman Erhan Kaya, "Even If We Do Not Have Money, We Have Dignity: Suburban Arabesque Culture"
Svetlina Denova "The Soul of a Country: Jeremy Seal's Vision of Turkey in his A Fez of the Heart"
Şila Yosulçay, "The Awakening of Femininity and Black Identity in Fried Green Tomatoes"
Theodora Dinca, "The Grapes of Wrath: Interrelations Between the Music, Film, and Text"
Tuba Işınsu İsen, "Self-praise in Ottoman Poetry"
Yasemin Özçubukçu, "Mae Regenerates Beethoven: Classical or Popular?"
Zeynep Zeren Atayurt, "Character Analysis of Alex in A Clockwork Orange in Connection with T.S.Eliot's "The Hollow Man" and His Role as a Teen Anti-hero on Subverting the Manipulations of the Government"

1. Uluslararası Öğrenci Konferansı (2001) (1st International Students' Conference: Key Concepts "Patterns, Perceptions, Perspectives")

Başkent Üniversitesi,
29-30 Mart 2001
Ankara, Türkiye

Our first conference was committed to:

* discussion and participation(open to plurality);
* the exchange of different perceptions and perspectives;
* promoting the idea that we work on all kinds of patterns but that there are different perceptions and perspectives.

The aim was to re-emphasize the presence of different perceptions and perspectives and the importance of participation in analytical thinking as opposed to imposed and too-readily accepted theories, in arriving at this conclusion.